Friday, March 29, 2013

Business Intelligence Beneftis - Part 3 : Improving Customer Satisfaction

Last part was about how BI can help you increasing revenue. This 3rd part will explain about Improving Customer Satisfaction by applying BI technology. Please enjoy.

1. Give users the means to make better decisions

With access to information, users can make better decisions faster, without having to escalate standard problems up the management hierarchy. This guarantees pragmatic and effective solutions since the people directly involved in the operations make decisions. In addition, users have the increased satisfaction of controlling their own process.
Ingram Micro: This wholesale provider of high-tech goods to technology solutions providers is working to create a new BI extranet in order to deliver advanced information to the company's suppliers and business partners. Says Ingram Micro CIO Guy Abramo, "Today it's incumbent on us to provide our partners with sell-through information so they can see what happened once their PCs hit distribution. That's critical for them to do inventory planning and manufacturing planning-helping them to understand what products are selling to what segments of the marketplace."

2. Provide quick answers to user questions
One of the primary benefits of BI is that you can dramatically reduce the time it takes for internal and external users to get answers to their questions. With fewer delays and faster response time, users are empowered to act quickly, based on the information they receive.

Principal Financial Group (PFG): PFG's financial department has received substantial benefits from the products' real-time data extraction and analysis capabilities. The department can now rapidly review monthly and yearly revenue data, increasing the speed of decision-making and improving productivity and business performance.

3. Challenge assumptions with factual information

Almost all businesses rely on assumptions and rule of thumb. However, it is worthwhile to challenge these hunches through detailed analysis of operational data, because assumptions and rule of thumb are frequently incorrect.

British Airways: Peter Blundell, former knowledge strategy manager for British Airways, and various company executives had a suspicion that the carrier was suffering from a high degree of ticket fraud. To address this problem, Blundell and his team rolled out business intelligence. "Once we analysed the data, we found that this ticket fraud was not an issue at all. What we had supposed was fraud was in fact either data quality issues or process problems," says Blundell. "What it did was give us so many unexpected opportunities in terms of understanding our business." Blundell estimates that their BI deployment has resulted in around $100 million in cost savings and new revenues for the airline.

Thanks for reading. I hope you guys can understand these benefits and also implement BI technology in your own company to get a better business.

Source : it-performs

Check : Here to help you get the BI Overview.

Business Intelligence Beneftis - Part 2 : Increasing Revenue

Continue the first part, this part will tell us how BI can help increasing revenue.

1. Sell information to customers, partners, and suppliers

Leading organizations are using BI to differentiate their product and service offerings from competitors through value added, web-based services. In the past, many departments generated zero revenue, but now with BI extranets, they create a recurring revenue stream by selling information to customers, partners, and suppliers.

Owens & Minor: The $3 billion medical supplies distributor has signed up 80 hospital accounts and six of its top suppliers, including pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson, for the service. Hospitals pay up to $1,250 per month and suppliers pay $2,000 per month. It is estimated that Owens & Minor will generate at least $2 million in fees next year.

2. Improve strategies with better marketing analysis

With easy access to ordering, accounting, production, shipping, customer service, and even external databases, marketers can find answers to the most detailed of questions such as, "What was the success rate of my direct mail campaign?" or "What was the incremental revenue generated from the new TV ads we just ran?" or "Which ten items were most popular across our 50 stores during the past couple of weeks?"

With this information, the marketer can precisely tailor product launches and promotion campaigns to the targeted audience. Using BI, companies can micro segment their markets and gain an edge over the competition.

Ben & Jerry's: BI allows the U.S. ice cream maker to track, understand, and manage information on the thousands of consumer responses it receives on its products and promotional activities. Through daily customer feedback analysis, Ben & Jerry's is able to identify trends and modify its marketing campaigns and its products to suit consumer demand.

3. Empower your sales force

Better results from your sales force can be achieved by analyzing its selling patterns: compare results to targets, to figures from previous years, to other sales staff results, and suggest improvements. Encourage the sales force to focus on high profitability customers and products. The sales force can also use BI to analyze data on brands, clients, and distributors.

TaylorMade: "When salespeople went out to visit TaylorMade's customers at golf pro shops and sporting goods retail chains, they didn't have up-to-date inventory reports. The sales reps would take orders for clubs, accessories, and clothing without confidence that the goods were available for delivery as promised," [Tom Collard, information systems director with TaylorMade] says. "The technology has helped TaylorMade not only reduce costs by eliminating the reporting has eliminated a lot of wasted effort that resulted from booking orders that it couldn't fill."

Business Intelligence Benefits - Part 1 : Lowering Costs

Today i will share about the benefits of business intelligence. Because of the wide applicability  of BI in both enterprises and extranet deployments, the business benefits are numerous. These benefits can be grouped into three main categories :
  • Lowering Cost
  • Increasing Revenue
  • Improving Customer Satisfaction
Next, this post will explain about one of the benefits : "Lowering Cost"

1.Improve operational efficiency
By giving internal or external customers access to real-time data over the web, customers can track their own accounts and answer their own questions. As a result, customer satisfaction is improved while reducing support costs. A significant, added benefit to real-time data access is that data becomes much cleaner. By reviewing the data themselves, customers can spot errors, and help improve the quality of the information in the data warehouse.

A leading risk insurance company: Today, the organization's customer care extranet allows customers to access their account information over the internet; however, it used to be that the company would send paper reports and diskettes to all of its customers. Any errors in the reports would take one to two months to correct because customers would first have to receive the report, catch the mistake, and then notify the company of the error. Now customers spot the errors themselves in real time and notify the insurance company directly through the extranet, usually within a couple of days or less.

2. Eliminate report backlog and delay

Business intelligence allows business users to design their own queries and reports, allowing organizations to redeploy the programmers who formerly performed this task. This can generate significant cost savings in human resources, since sought-after staff can be reallocated to projects that add more value to the organization.

Handspring, Inc.: "The company receives data from such partners in multiple formats and a variety of systems, so it needed to consolidate and analyse data to give employees better information for decision-making. [With BI, Handspring] can now generate reports on items such as web orders, bookings, billings, backlog, and shipping activities in less than one day, versus weeks before."

3. Negotiate better contracts with suppliers and customers

A solid grasp of facts and figures is invaluable when it comes to negotiating contracts with suppliers and customers. For instance, by analysing supplier performance-on-time delivery trends, percentage of rejects, and price changes-you are in an excellent position to discuss all aspects of the contract as well as possibly negotiate volume discounts. And identifying a customer's spending patterns could qualify him or her for a particular packaged deal.

Shell Services International: With its BI solution, Shell was able to access information about revenues between fuel and non-fuel business. Seeing that 20% of their products were delivering 80% of their sales, Shell made significant improvements in margin and turnover. They also negotiated better deals with suppliers and improved product master file management, which helped them reduce working capital.

4. Find root causes and take action

If one division is doing better or worse than others, identify the root cause and either implement a best practice or fix the problem. Was the problem caused by better/ worse management? A regional market trend? A new sales strategy?

With BI, you can find root causes both to problems and to best practices by simply asking "Why?" The process is initiated by analyzing a global report, say of sales per quarter. Every answer is followed by a new question, and users can drill deep down into a report to get to fundamental causes. Once they have a clear understanding of root causes, they can take highly effective action.

5.Identify wasted resources and reduce inventory costs

You can use BI to apply activity-based costing methods to identify hidden costs or missed opportunities. From these findings, resources can be allocated to highly profitable products, customers, and projects, thereby increasing the bottom line. Also, having a clearer understanding of success of promotions can help to effectively monitor inventory levels.

TruServ: The parent company of True Value Hardware "has used BI software to improve efficiency of its distribution operations and reap a $50 million reduction in inventory costs." "The marketing department uses [BI] to track sales promotion results such as which promotions were most popular by store or by region. Now that TruServ is building promotion histories in its databases, it can ensure all stores are fully stocked with adequate inventory during an event." TruServ "was able to achieve a return on investment in about five to six months."4

6.Leverage your investment in your ERP or data warehouse

While the bulk of the investment in your BI system is probably in enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications or your data warehouse, it is very difficult for non-technical users to take advantage of available data without a good reporting and analysis tool. BI helps unlock the data in your company's data warehouse(s).

BOC Gases: One of the world's leading suppliers of industrial gases uses BI to make ad hoc queries against its SAP system. Thanks to BOC's BI system, sales people can access reports that are tailored to their needs and that hold a lot of detailed information. Working offline on their laptops, sales people can drill down to the required level of detail on product or customer information.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Ketika saat yang kutunggu telah tiba, jeruji hati ini terasa lepas sesaat..

Lepas dari penjara penantian, masuk penjara kesedihan..

Memang kehidupan ini memang sulit diperkirakan..

Apa dayaku melawan takdir ini?!

Segala kesabaran yang telah terlalui waktu ini seakan sia-sia..

Tak terbayangkan penantian panjang ini berakhir begini..

Akankah pena ini berhenti menulis?
Menulis kelanjutan kisah kita..

Akankah pensil ini berhenti melukis?
Melukis setiap perjalanan kita..

Ketika ku menulis hal ini dan melukiskan bayangan dirimu..
Hanya terlintas satu hal di hatiku..
 "Mungkinkah kau menjadi milikku?"

Monday, March 25, 2013


Life is a mystery..

Nobody know what will happen on the future..

Fate is also a mystery..

Everybody have their own fate..


We will never know the whole fate until the exact time..


Don't just stay doing nothing..

Believe that we could change or choose our best fate..

Believe that we have a power that could help us solve the mystery of life..

Love is similar with life..

In my mind, your heart is very mysterious too..

It's hard for me to guess your heart..

But, please give me a chance to solve your heart mystery..

Let me enter your heart to find what I'm looking for..

Filosofi Kerja Astra / Work Philosophy Astra

Indonesian :

Sebagai karyawan yang baik, tentulah kita perlu tahu nilai - nilai atau filosofi yang ada pada tempat / perusahaan kita bekerja. Tidak hanya sebatas tahu, tapi saya pun dituntut untuk memahami dan menjalankan filosofi tersebut. Tempat saya berkarya, yaitu di Astra, filosofi tersebut dikenal dengan nama : 'Catur Dharma'. Berikut adalah filosofinya :
  • Menjadi Milik yang Bermanfaat bagi Bangsa dan Negara
  • Memberikan Pelayanan Terbaik kepada Pelanggan
  • Menghargai Individu dan Membina Kerja Sama
  • Senantiasa Berusaha Mencapai yang Terbaik
Satu tahun sudah saya berkarya disini, saya lebih memahami dan mengerti filosofi Catur Dharma Astra. Filosofi tersebut sekarang saya jalani dengan sepenuh hati, karena filosofi tersebut mirip dengan filosofi hidup saya. Semoga saya bisa terus berkarya dengan menjadikan Catur Dharma tersebut sebagai pegangan agar terus berkarya dengan maksimal.


English :

As a good employee, we should know about values and philosophies that exists in the place / company we work. Not only limited to know, but also required to understand and implement that philosophy. In my company : Astra, that philosophy known as 'Catur Dharma'. Here's the philosophy:
  • To be as Asset to the Nation
  • To Provide the Best Service to Our Customers
  • To Respect Individuals and Promote Teamwork
  • To Continually Strive for Excellence 
One year already, i have worked here. Now i have a better understanding the philosophy of 'Catur Dharma Astra'. Today, i live with that philosophy with all my heart, because that philosophy is similar to mine. Hopefully, i can continue to work with make 'Catur Dharma' as a handle to maximum working.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Words For You

A kind of feeling that can not be analyzed..

It doesn't stop in lips or eyes..

Neither in kisses nor caress..

Partly I know, it's gentleness..

And understanding in one word..

Or in brief letters, it's preserved..

By trust, respect and awe..

These are the words that I feel..

I love you..

Do You Know ?

Do you know that love comes by it self ?

Do you know that love is something beautiful ?

And also do you know that love is something that can cause pain?


Do you know how big my love for you ?

Deeper than ocean..

Higher than sky..

Bigger than world..

Wider than galaxy..

Please don't leave me, I love you...

Membaca Nilai Informasi Gizi

Membaca label makanan bisa bikin kita hidup lebih sehat? Yap, it’s a fact!

Believe it or not, orang yang rajin membaca label nilai gizi pada kemasan cenderung lebih sehat, punya konsumsi lemak yang lebih rendah, dan lebih dapat mengontrol konsumsi makanan pada saat makan siang. 

Tidak perlu jadi seorang ahli gizi untuk mengerti istilah di label makanan. Yuk baca panduan praktisnya disini:

Informasi Nilai Gizi biasanya terdapat di bagian samping atau bagian belakang kemasan. Kalau kamu:
  1. Ingin kontrol asupan kalori
    Cek di bagian Takaran Saji, dan Energi Total (Calories). Batas konsumsi kalori per hari sekitar 1800-2500 kalori, dan bisa bervariasi tergantung umur, berat badan, dan aktivitas. Untuk makanan yang mencantumkan energi dalam bentuk kilojoule (kJ), cukup kalikan nilai kilojoule tersebut dengan 4.2 (1 Joule = 4.2 Kalori).
    Smart Tips:
    Untuk snack, kamu bisa konsumsi makanan yang per saji tidak lebih dari 100 kalori.
  2. Ingin kontrol lemak
    Cek di bagian Takaran Saji, Energi dari Lemak, dan nilai Lemak Total. Makanan atau minuman yang rendah lemak (kurang dari 2,5 gram lemak per saji) bisa jadi pilihan tepat. Pilih juga makanan yang rendah lemak jenuh karena lemak jenuh bisa menaikkan risiko stroke dan penyakit jantung. Makin rendah lemak jenuh, makin baik. Setuju?
    Smart Tips:
    Rendah lemak belum tentu rendah kalori. Perhatikan juga total kalori dan total gulanya untuk cegah kelebihan kalori yang bisa diubah jadi lemak. Setuju?
  3. Ingin kontrol gula
    Tidak hanya kadar lemak, jumlah gula dalam makanan juga perlu kita kontrol. Menurut DepKes RI, konsumsi gula yang ditambahkan dalam sehari sebaiknya tidak melebihi 25 gram atau setara 3-4 sendok makan. Tidak menemukan kata gula? Bisa jadi karena ditulis dengan nama lainnya, yaitu sukrosa.
    Smart Tips:
    Pilih produk yang secara alami rendah gula, atau yang memiliki label ini:
    • No added sugar (tanpa tambahan gula): makanan tersebut tidak ditambahkan gula tetapi masih mengandung gula secara alami. Contoh: jus buah, susu
    • Sugar free: Mengandung lebih sedikit dari 0,5 gram gula per saji. Contoh: permen sugar free
  4. Ingin kontrol garam
    Garam memang tidak ditulis sebagai garam dalam label makanan. Karena itu, kita harus pintar-pintar membaca. Keep in mind, sodium atau natrium adalah nama lain dari garam. Selain bisa sebabkan hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi, konsumsi garam berlebih juga bisa membuat tubuh terlihat “membulat” karena mengikat air.
    Salt Smart: batas konsumsi garam (dalam bentuk sodium atau natrium) yaitu 2300 mg per hari (setara 1 sendok teh). Untuk penderita hipertensi, disarankan batasi konsumsi sodium maksimal 1500 mg per hari (sekitar ½ sendok teh). Smart Tips:
    • Rendah natrium (low sodium): Tiap sajian produk mengandung 140 mg natrium atau kurang.
    • Garam lebih sedikit (reduced, less sodium): Produk ini mengandung sedikitnya 25% natrium lebih sedikit daripada versi biasa.
    • Tanpa tambahan garam (unsalted, no salt added): Tidak ada garam yang ditambahkan selama pengolahan produk tersebut. Akan tetapi, makanan dengan label ini kemungkinan masih tinggi garam.
  5. Ingin terus aktif
    Penuhi kebutuhan vitamin dan mineral. Makanan yang kaya vitamin dan mineral ampuh buat kita terus aktif sepanjang hari. Selain dari buah dan sayur, kamu bisa dapatkan vitamin dan mineral dari produk makanan seperti susu atau jus buah.
    Smart Tips:
    Pilih makanan atau minuman yang tinggi vitamin dan mineral, yaitu yang kadar %AKGnya lebih dari 20%. Nilai %AKG atau Angka Kecukupan Gizi menunjukkan seberapa banyak produk makanan memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi harian.
    Contoh: kalau susu yang kamu minum punya kalsium 50% AKG (lebih dari 20%), berarti susu tersebut tinggi kalsium dan kandungan kalsiumnya bisa mencukupi 50% kebutuhan kalsium harian kita.
Penting: Perhatikan Takaran Saji Memperhatikan Takaran Saji sangatlah penting. Makanan yang memiliki nilai total 500 kkal tetapi pada bagian Takaran Saji (atau Serving Size) untuk 5 saji, berarti produk tersebut dapat dimakan 5 kali dengan jumlah kalori tiap kali makan adalah 100 kalori. Hal ini tentunya akan berbeda seandainya jumlah total kalori 500kkal tetapi untuk 2 kali serving. Biasanya hal ini perlu diperhatikan untuk makanan seperti biskuit, chips, jus dalam kemasan besar, permen, dan sebagainya. Be careful, eat smart.
Yuk memilih dengan bijak dan cerdas, untuk hidup lebih sehat.

Sumber : TropicanaSlim

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Perputaran waktu terasa begitu cepat bagiku meskipun hari-hari berlalu tanpamu..

Apakah aku telah bisa melupakanmu?

Hanya terdiam, merelakan kebahagiaan lain menjemputmu?

Mungkin memang dirimu yang bagaikan bidadari turun dari surga tak pantas untuk diriku ini..

Tanganku seakan membatu, bibirku seakan tertutup, dan mataku terdiam menyaksikan dirimu pergi..

Putus Asa

Perasaan yang tak menentu ini hanya menghanyutkan diriku dalam sungai penyesalan..

Kesalahan diriku ataukah dunia ini yang membuat kita tersesat dalam labirin kekecewaan..

Pengharapan serta usaha yang kulakukan seakan sirna seiring waktu..

Tangis dan kesedihan membelengguku..

Terus melangkah kedepan, meskipun tak kulihat adanya pengharapan..

Hanya berharap menemukan jalan keluar di tengah keputusasaan..


Hampa hatiku terasa saat ini..

Setiap kenangan dirimu terbayang dan membekas di hatiku..

Pesona dirimu terpancar jelas, meski dirimu berada jauh disana..

Merasakan takdir memisahkan kita, ku hanya terdiam membiarkan dirimu pergi..

Untuk membuatmu bertahan terasa mustahil saat ini..

Ku hanya berharap suara hatiku terdengar olehmu kasih..

Business Intelligence Overview

Yesterday, i was sharing about overview of IT world and jobs. Now i wanna share about what exactly i am doing. Still in the IT environment but spesifically i wanna talk about Business Intelligence (BI).

What is Business Intelligence ?
  • System that facilitate an ever-growing variety of applications that begin with sophisticated analysis of atomic level data and range to proactive information deliver to system subscribers. (MSTR-BI)
  • The ability for an organization to take all its capabilities and covert them into knowledge, ultimately, getting the right information to right people, at the right time, via the right channel. (WIKI)
  • A revolutionary technology that enable business people understand their business more than before through insightful information to support decision making. (NICO)
Data > Information > Action
When we talk about BI, it means we are talking about data, analysis and information. In my country Indonesia, all those things are related with Excel. Yes, Microsoft Excel. Most of these things can be provided by Excel, but... not as sophisticated as the BI technology. So many of kinds of BI and here are some BI technology :
  • MicroStrategy (MSTR)
  • IBM Cognos
  • Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE)
  • SAP Business Object & SAP Hana
  • Qlikview
  • Tableau
  • Many More...
Check out this video on youtube : BI

MicroStrategy is my toy for now. Then what is my role?
  • Developer
  • Architect
  • Administrator
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
Developer >>> Create report, dashboard, and document combined with numerous data style manipulation in desktop & web.

Architect >>> Design business architecture related with business model that would be implemented in the project.

Administrator >>> Operate and maintain the BI system and infrastructure.

Business (Intelligence) Analyst >>> Identify business needs and determine solutions to business problem and translate clients requirements into a form that understood by team member, especially architect and developer.

This post is just an overview, and of course i will update them later. :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

How To Fix - Unknown / Forget Blackberry ID

Well, this topic inspired by my last problem on my blackberry.

Just for you guys know : I got my blackberry from the prize last year. Until last week, I have no problems about the application, because I only use my blackberry for BBM and Twitter. But suddenly, 'Uber Social' forced me to update the application. Damn, I tried to create a new BlackBerry ID, but it cannot associated with my phone. Luckily, I found some instructions on the forum. Now I want to share here:
  1. Press the BB button
  2. Select "Options" from the menu
  3. Select " Applications" from the menu - a new screen should appear
  4. Make sure to change the button option in the top right hand corner from "third-party" to "Add-ons"
  5. A list will appear with BlackBerry Identity in it - select this option
  6. Press the DELETE button - it will as you if you are sure you want to delete - select YES
  7. You will be advised that the device needs to be restarted for the change to take effect and asks if you and to restart now - if you are ready, select "yes"
  8. Your device will now be restarted
  9. Once restarted, go to your BlackBerry App World icon and select the "My World" button
  10. The following message will appear " A BlackBerry Identity update is needed.  Would you like to install it now?"  Select "Yes" - the device will take some time to download/install the updated ID
  11. When downloaded this message will appear "A restart is required for changed to take effect" - select "Restart Now"
  12. The device will display "resetting now" for a couple of seconds and will then reboot.
  13. Once rebooted, go back to your BlackBerry App World icon and select the "My World" button
  14. It will give you the BlackBerry ID sign in page with a blank ID username field - enter your new username and password
  15. A new screen will appear telling you that "Your BlackBerry ID will be associated with this smartphone. Your Internet email accounts, as well as some apps and services will be automatically be transferred. In some cases, email won't be sent to your previous smartphone anymore".   Select Continue
  16. The standard BB agreement page will appear - scroll down and select I Accept
  17. It should works. :) 

You're The Only One

Since you have steal my heart again, I always think how I can fix this thing once again..

Is it true that love can cure all my hurt?!

Maybe this is my fate.. Loving you it hurts sometimes..

Do I ever hurt you?!
Do I ever lie to you?!
No words said when I asked why..

Don't never try to hurt my heart again!!
I am just an ordinary human..

I hope you'll get someone that love you more than me..
But I will not just standing here without doing something for you..

I always fighting for my love..
I believed someday you will change..

You may run away from me but I always waiting for you here..
I always pray to God to send me a girl that love me with all I have..
Until then, I will protect this love inside my heart, because my love to you never die..

Waiting for the right time, I just want you know that you're the only one..
I wanna be with you forever..


I walk through the door, I look at the sky and found how powerful God is...

Then I think about who is the most beautiful girl in this world that created by the God for me?!

And I think it is YOU...

Someone that I always love, now, tomorrow and forever...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blog. Apa & Kenapa? / Blog. What & Why?

Indonesian : 

Banyak orang bertanya dengan aktivitas saya awal bulan ini. Ya tepatnya dengan aktivitas yang disebut nge-blog. Banyak orang bertanya, mengapa baru nge-blog sekarang? Pasti isinya tentang curhat ya? Bla bla bla dan masih banyak lagi pertanyaan. Nah sekalian saja saya jawab disini. :)

Saya rasa menulis blog adalah sebuah kegiatan yang positif. Nge-blog itu seperti menulis diary, bedanya kalo blog bisa dibaca siapa aja, kalo diary itu terbatas. Sebenarnya saya sudah mulai nge-blog sejak dulu jaman kuliah tapinya sebatas tugas kampus dan sudah saya tutup juga blog nya. Alasan utamanya sih males aja, karena lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu nongkrong di warnet dan gym. :P

Mengenai isi blog ini, saya tidak akan membatasi isinya hanya sekedar cerita curahan hati, saya juga ingin berbagi mengenai ilmu dan pengalaman saya tentunya. Oyaaa, saya juga demen banget bikin puisi galau, biasanya ditulis di notes hp aja sih. Masa-masa galau itu adalah sumber inspirasi. Dan akhirnya tujuan semuanya itu saya rangkum dalam 2 kata : nostalgia & berbagi. Suatu saat nanti mungkin saya dapat nostalgia di blog saya ini dan barangkali ilmu dan pengalaman saya berguna atau menginspirasi teman-teman pembaca. Terima kasih. :D

***Kedepannya nanti, tidak semua posting ada versi Inggris dan Indonesia. Saya harap teman-teman pembaca bisa mengerti keterbatasan saya.

English :
Many people asked me about my activity in this early month. Yes, exactly my activity called blogging. Many people asked me, why now? Surely, the contents are all about your life, right? Blah blah blah and still many more other questions. Well, i will answer the questions here in this post. :)

I think blogging is a positive activity. Blogging is like writing a diary. The difference is : blog, you allow everybody to look into it, while diary is limited. Actually I have started blogging since i was in college but only limited about campus assignment and I have also closed his blog. The main reason : i was lazy, and spent more time hanging out in the cafe and gym. : P

Regarding the content of this blog, I will not limit the contents just only my life story but also about knowledges and experiences. Oyaaa, I am also really like making poetry. Usually the poetry just only written in the my phone notepad. Confusion & heartbreak are the source of inspiration. And finally, the main purpose of creating this blog : I have outlined in 2 words: nostalgia and sharing. Someday maybe I can nostalgia in this blog and perhaps my knowledges and experiences are useful or inspire you guys as a reader. Thank you. : D

***Later, not all the posts available in English and Indonesian versions. I hope you guys could understand my limitations.

Loyalty, Integrity, Commitment (English)

3 words that are related and have very similar meanings. Similar but not the same. The words are inspired from my conversation with one of my client in project. He is a man that I respect as a client and as individuals that certainly have more life insight than me as a young man.

KBBI Version (Indonesian Big Dictionary)
  • Loyalty : Obedience; Allegiance.
  • Integrity : Quality, nature, or circumstances that indicate intact unity so it has the potential and ability to emit authority; Honesty.
  • Commitment : Agreement (Bond) to do something; Contract.
Oxford Version
  • Loyalty : A strong feeling of support or allegiance.
  • Integrity : The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; The state of being whole and undivided.
  • Commitment : The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity; an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.
My Version and explanation :

Loyalty : a strong feeling about support, obedience, and allegiance. (Mixed from 2 version above)

Personally i think that loyalty definitely has something to be the benchmark. For example money, boss, attention, etc. When i earned enough salary, i could loyal and obedient to the task. When my boss still the being a person i liked, I will always be loyal and obedient to the company, when I get married, I will be faithful to my spouse and love her consistently. I've read that there is a close relationship between loyalty and heart. (emotion or feeling) As we know, human beings tend to be fragile and vulnerable to emotions or feelings. Therefore not surprising that in fact that some loyalties are temporary.

Commitment : based on a joint understanding of the two versions, Indonesia and the Oxford dictionary, commitment refers to the agreement, contract, or a condition in which a bond and obligation that restricts freedom of action.

Based on explanations above,  commitment in my opinion is the willingness and sincerity  to carry out the obligations that have been promised or agreed. Of course it raises the limits or rules that eventually restrict one's freedom. It's called  responsibility. Oyaaa, that commitment often born because of loyalty, even though in reality it could be done without loyalty.

Commitment is also closely related to the logic and thought. Real example is when a person who has graduated college and get a lot of job offers. Finally, in consideration of the salary, benefits and work life later, he decided to join even though he had moved to the city where the company is located. These considerations are the logic, and the decision to work at the company is called commitment, and moved to the city is a form of boundary and responsibility. And the most important is a form of commitment : completing all the work and orders of the company well.

Integrity : Oxford & Indonesian dictionary holds the same sight about the integrity : the unity and honesty. Full definition : Unity and honesty are accompanied by strong principles, that produce quality and strong potential.

People out there saying that it's important to have integrity. Integrity is a reflection of someone's identity. In addition there are many who say that integrity is loyalty + commitment. And I also agree on that. Loyalty which spawned the discipline and consistency, commitment spawned honesty and responsibility, where everything are the foundation of producing quality. Thus when we talk about integrity, it means we're talking about unity of heart and logic.

Conclusion :
Integrity > Commitment > Loyalty
Integrity = Commitment + Loyalty
Integrity = Quality

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Loyalitas, Integritas, Komitmen (Indonesian)

3 kata yang saling terkait dan mempunyai makna yang hampir mirip. Serupa tapi tak sama. Kata-kata tersebut diilhami dari pembicaraan saya dengan salah salah satu client project saya. Beliau adalah seorang yang saya hormati sebagai client dan tentunya sebagai individu yang berwawasan lebih daripada saya yang masih seumur jagung ini.

Versi KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) :
  • Loyalitas : Kepatuhan; Kesetiaan.
  • Integritas : Mutu, sifat, atau keadaan yg menunjukkan kesatuan yg utuh sehingga memiliki potensi dan kemampuan yg memancarkan kewibawaan; Kejujuran.
  • Komitmen : Perjanjian (keterikatan) untuk melakukan sesuatu; Kontrak.
Versi Oxford :
  • Loyalty : A strong feeling of support or allegiance.
  • Integrity : The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; The state of being whole and undivided.
  • Commitment : The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity; an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.
Versi saya dan penjelasannya :

Loyalitas : adalah perasaan yang kuat akan dukungan, kepatuhan dan kesetiaan. (Gabungan 2 versi di atas)

Menurut saya pribadi loyalitas pasti mempunyai sesuatu yang menjadi tolak ukur dari loyalitas tersebut. Contohnya uang, atasan, perhatian, dsb. Selama uang yang diterima cukup, seseorang bisa loyal, setia, dan patuh pada apa yang dikerjakannya. Selama atasan nya masih si "itu" saya akan selalu loyal, setia dan patuh pada perusahaan, ketika saya menikah nanti, saya akan setia pada pasangan hidup saya dan konsisten mencintainya. Saya pernah membaca akan lekatnya hubungan antara loyalitas dengan urusan hati, tepatnya emosi atau perasaan. Seperti yang kita ketahui, manusia cenderung rapuh dan lemah terhadap emosi atau perasaan. Oleh karena itu tidak mengherankan apabila pada kenyataannya loyalitas itu banyak yang bersifat sementara.

Komitmen : berdasarkan gabungan pengertian dari 2 versi, kamus Indonesia dan Oxford, komitmen mengacu pada perjanjian, kontrak, atau kondisi dimana terjadi ikatan dan kewajiban yang membatasi kebebasan bertindak.

Sesuai dengan penjelasan diatas, komitmen menurut saya adalah kesediaan atau kesungguhan untuk melaksanakan kewajiban apa yang sudah dijanjikan atau disepakati. Tentunya hal tersebut memunculkan batasan ataupun aturan yang akhirnya membatasi kebebasan seseorang. Ada bahasa halus untuk kalimat sebelumnya, yakni tanggung jawab. Oyaaa, komitmen itu seringkali lahir oleh karena loyalitas, meskipun pada kenyataannya bisa juga komitmen tanpa loyalitas.

Komitmen juga sangat lekat hubungannya dengan logika dan pikiran. Contoh nyatanya adalah ketika seseorang mahasiswa yang telah lulus kuliah mendapatkan banyak tawaran pekerjaan. Akhirnya dengan pertimbangan gaji, tunjangan, dan kehidupan pekerjaannya nanti, ia memutuskan untuk bergabung meskipun ia harus pindah ke kota tempat perusahaan itu berada. Pertimbangan tersebut adalah logika, dan keputusan untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut adalah komitmen, dan keharusan pindah tersebut adalah batasan dan tanggung jawab. Dan yang terpenting adalah bentuk dari komitmen yakni menyelesaikan segala pekerjaan dan perintah perusahaan dengan baik.

Integritas :  kamus besar Indonesia dan Oxford berpandangan sama mengenai integritas, yakni kesatuan dan kejujuran. Jika digabungkan secara lengkap kesatuan dan kejujuran yang didampingi oleh prinsip yang kuat sehingga menghasilkan kualitas dan potensi yang kuat.

Orang diluar sana mengatakan bahwa mempunyai integritas itu penting. Integritas adalah cerminan dari jati diri seseorang. Selain itu banyak juga yang berkata bahwa integritas itu loyalitas + komitmen. Dan saya juga setuju akan hal tersebut.  Kesetiaan yang melahirkan disiplin dan konsistensi, komitmen yang melahirkan tanggung jawab dan kejujuran dimana semuanya itu adalah pondasi untuk menghasilkan kualitas. Dengan demikian ketika kita bicara tentang integritas berarti kita sedang bicara kesatuan dari hati dan logika.

Kesimpulannya :
Integritas > Komitmen > Loyalitas
Integritas = Komitmen + Loyalitas
Integritas = Kualitas

Friday, March 8, 2013

Jakarta, One Year Already I Have Been Here (English)

I think that the title doesn't quite fit with the Indonesian Version. I'm sorry but the story must go on.

March 2013, exactly one year ago, the same month I stepped my feet in Jakarta. Well it was not the first time for me stood here in the capital of Indonesia. Formerly quite often I stopped by here, but merely as travelers. It felt very different, stood here because of the unusual reasons. My reason was to look for a plate of rice with side dishes and a handful of gold and diamond. Sounds like exaggerated, but that was fate and determination of a student who has just graduated from college and struggling to prove what has been accomplished before to others, friends, family and of course yourself.

Heat and jams of Jakarta at that time felt different. Armed with enough pocket money, my high school friendship and Google advices, my spirit burns away my fear against the famous cruelty in the capital. Luxurious and sophisticated skyscrapers, wide streets still remembered by my head. I still remembered the atmosphere of psychological and interview process that made wondered and ​​chuckled. Starting from an odd question test, too easy question, friendly company staff till mannerless staff to me as a FG (Fresh Graduate) who recently felt the life of Jakarta. 

While writing this story, I recalled that in the same period, the first time where I was deceived by a blue taxi drivers, the most famous taxi on the streets of Jakarta. Either the driver intends to deceive or his ignorance which acted calm and clever. I was felt so angry at the time. Continuing my story at the time, while diving drinking water (Indonesian's Proverb), a proverb that always remembered and also been implemented during the past year in Jakarta. I was spare a little time to visit some mall or place to hang out although i had to take a test or interview on the next day. Plaza Semanggi, Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia, Central Park, Senayan City, Plaza Senayan, Epicentrum, Festival Market, and  other places that I visited at that time, just simply to threw away my curiosity or spent the time.

One year has passed, somehow the past memory is still recorded in my minds and heart. A small piece of my life story that i will never forget. I also wanna share it with my spouse and descendants later. Still holding the same determination with that time, my spirit continously grow, despite the ups and downs of life and the colors of my life accompany me here. But one thing that I believe, that my past, present, and future life is not a coincidence. I believe that God has planned everything in my life, whether it's small or big thing. :)

Jakarta, Setahun Sudah Aku Disini. (Indonesian)

Maret 2013, tepat setahun yang lalu, dibulan yang sama aku menginjakan kaki di Jakarta. Saat itu memang bukan pertama kali aku menyentuh ibukota Indonesia ini. Sebelumnya cukup sering aku mampir kesini, namun hanya sebatas sebagai pelancong. Ketika itu rasanya berbeda sekali, berdiri disini bukan dengan alasan yang biasanya, tetapi alasan untuk mencari sepiring nasi lauk pauk dan segenggam emas berlian. Lebay juga sih, tapi mungkin begitulah, nasib dan tekad seorang mahasiswa yang baru saja lulus dari kuliahnya dan berjuang untuk membuktikan apa yang telah dicapai dimasa tersebut kepada orang lain, teman, keluarga dan tentunya diri sendiri.

Panas dan macetnya Jakarta saat itu terasa berbeda. Berbekal uang saku seadanya, pertemanan dimasa sma dan wangsit dari mbah Google, semangatku membakar habis rasa takutku akan kejamnya ibukota yang terkenal itu. Gedung pencakar langit mewah, lift yang canggih, jalanan yang lebar masih aku ingat di kepalaku. Masih teringat juga suasana proses psikotes dan wawancara yang kadang membuatku tergeleng kepala dan tertawa kecil. Dimulai dari soal test yang aneh, terlalu mudah ataupun pihak perusahaan yang ramah dan baik hati sampai yang seenaknya terhadap FG (Fresh Graduate) yang baru merasakan kehidupan Jakarta.

Ketika menulis cerita ini, aku teringat kembali bahwa pada masa-masa yang sama tersebut, dimana aku pertama kali ditipu oleh supir taxi biru, taxi terkenal yang seliweran di jalanan Jakarta. Entah berniat menipu ataupun kebodohan supir tersebut yang berlagak kalem dan sok pintar. Geram sekali rasanya saat itu. Lanjut kisahku di masa itu, sambil menyelam minum air, pribahasa yang selalu kuingat dan ku implementasikan selama di Jakarta tahun lalu. Mengunjungi beberapa tempat nongkrong dan mall kusempatkan meskipun besoknya ada test ataupun wawancara. Plaza Semanggi, Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia, Central Park, Senayan City, Plaza Senayan, Epicentrum, Pasar Festival, dan masih banyak lagi tempat yang aku singgahi, Hanya sekedar untuk membuang rasa penasaran atau menghabiskan waktu.

Tak terasa setahun pun berlalu, dimana memori masa lalu tersebut masih terekam jelas dipikiran dan hatiku. Coretan kisah dalam kehidupanku yang tidak akan pernah hilang untuk kubagikan pada pasangan hidup dan keturunanku kelak. Memegang teguh tekad yang sama seperti saat itu, semangat ku kian bertambah, meskipun suka duka dan warna warni kehidupan menyertai hidupku selama disini. Tapi 1 hal yang kuyakini bahwa kehidupanku saat itu dan kini bukanlah suatu kebetulan. Aku percaya bahwa Tuhan telah merencanakan segala sesuatunya dalam hidupku, baik itu hal kecil maupun hal yang besar.  :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Kutipan Favorit : Menjadi Berbeda / Favorite Quotation : To Be Different

Indonesian :
Dalam post ini saya ingin menceritakan tentang kutipan / quotes yang menjadi favorit saya, yakni :

"Terkadang saya memilih untuk menjadi berbeda, karena saya percaya pilihan-pilihan saya akan lebih baik di masa depan."

Kutipan ini meyakinkan diri saya untuk menjadi berbeda di kondisi tertentu. Bukan karena gak mau disebut ikut-ikutan melainkan karena sesuatu dalam diri saya berkata lain. Saat tersebut adalah saat dimana hati dan logika saya bersatu melawan segala pengaruh sekitar yang berbeda, dengan harapan hasil yang diterima nanti akan lebih baik. Tentunya saya sendiri siap menanggung segala akibat dari pilihan saya tersebut. 

Unsur lain yang melandasi hal -hal lain di atas adalah "penyesalan". Yup, saya tidak akan mau menyesal "lagi" karena mengikuti apa kata orang. Pada akhirnya meskipun orang lain yang benar, saya akan tetap bersyukur bahwa saya telah menjadi diri saya sendiri, bukan orang lain.

Masih banyak kutipan lain yang hidup dalam diri saya. Paragraf terakhir pun bisa melahirkan kutipan lainnya : "Live with no regret". Post-post selanjutnya nanti, mungkin saya akan berbagi lagi tentang kutipan lainnya dan tentunya beserta dengan makna dan alasannya. :)

English : 
In this post, i would like to tell you about my favorite quotation :

"Sometimes I choose to be different, because I believe my choices will be better in the future."

This quotation convinced me to be different in some condition. Not because i don't want to be known as "follower" but because something inside me says different. This condition occurs when heart and logic unite against all other different influences, with the hope that my result will be better. Of course, i am ready with all the consequences of my choices.

Another element that underlies the paragraph above is "regret". Yap, I will not regret "again" because i choose to follow what anyone says. In the end though others are right, I would be grateful that I was able to be myself, not others.

There are many other quotes that lives within me. The last paragraph also can spawn another quote: "Live with no regret". Later I might share another quotes and of course along with the meaning and reason. :)